District 7730 Foundation Team

In Rotary, ideas and projects may begin with one person having a vision but seldom does it remain the work of only one person. So it is with The Rotary Foundation and District 7730 is no different. We have a great team working together in our District to provide you all the resources you need to be successful. If you need a program, help filling out reports, Matching Grant ideas, District Simplified Grant clarification, Paul Harris Fellow recognition help, fund raising ideas, questions about Polio, or any other Foundation related question, please feel free to ask any of us.

Meet your Team:
District Foundation Chair: PDG Nancy Barbee
Annual Program Fund Chair: Denny Jordan
Permanent Fund Chair: Andy Chused
Paul Harris Society Chair: PDG Johnny Robertson
Polio Plus Chair: PDG Bill Walker
GSE Chair: David Baggett
Alumni Chair: Nelson Fry
Scholarships: PDG Magda Baggett
Corporate Liason and Major Gifts: Dan Lyons

Additionally, there are Foundation Advocates in each of the 8 Areas that will assist the clubs in their area with all related Foundation issues. 

Rotary Foundation Adocates
Area 1  Bill Kaeser
Area 2  Sally Wilson
Area 3  TBA
Area 4  John Mohr
Area 5  Trey Duncan
Area 6  Michael Best
Area 7  Hugh Caison
Area 8  Kevin Zoltec